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Flakes and pellets are not a very good choice as food for bettas. Bettas just don't like flakes or pellets...unless they are starving to death. But that does not mean that you are going to starve your betta near death and then feed them flakes or pellets just so they will eat them. If you do that you must be stupid or something. You should know how to feed flakes and pellets to yoru betta(s) or if you don;t then just read the instructions on the container of the food. I will not put up any info about flakes and pellets because they are not really worth buying hen it comes to bettas. Plus all you have to do is buy the flakes and pellest made fro bettas and feed them to your betta...what else can I say about betta? If you can think of some useful things to say about flakes and pellets just email them to me and I will put it up...giving credit to you.

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Bettaonline@hotmail.com or Webmaster@bettaonline.com.

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