Freeze dried foods are just live foods that has been dried up so that they will last for a while. Bettas seem to like these...well at least a lot more than pellets and flakes. There are serveral types of freeze dried foods available out there. Just take a little and float it on the surface of your betta's water and then betta will come up and eat it.

Freeze Dried Blood Worms:
These are just fried up blood worms (sewer worms). They are loved by bettas...btu just remember that too much isn't good. So be sure to only feed these once every other day or so.

More info on freeze dried food will be added soon. Also if you know of more freee dried food that I don't have here...please email them to me and I will put it up here and give you credit for it.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions then please email them to me at or

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