Frozen foods are still a good choice of food for your bettas if you can't get your hands on live foods. Or you just don't want to go through the hassel of culturing them and then preparing them for feeding and all that stuff. Just be sure to remove the food if it is uneaten within 5 minutes ohterwise if you leave them in the tank or jar they will foul the water quickly and cause bacteria and ich as well. Just be careful and you will be fine. Also since frozen food can cause ich be sure to add into your water some kind of treatment for ich just to be on the safe side. To use frozen food just simply thaw the amount you want to feed to your betta for a couple of minutes so it will make it easier for yoru betta. You can also make your own frozen food as well...just freeze your food when you culture them or when you buy them....but I suggest you feed live foods instead of frozen.

Frozen Blood Worms:
These are I believe the most common frozen food you can find in the pet store. Every pet store...well at least the bigger ones I've been able to find them. But they are also a little costy....well....not exactly. They are just simply blood worms that have been frozen. Bettas liek these but they are not good for your betta if they fees on this every single day....why? you ask? well thats because blood worms has too much protein and too much isn't good. There are two different type of frozen blood to my knowledge. There are the ones that are frozen into one big piece and the ones that are frozen into small cubes. Bioth are the same.

Frozen Brine Shrimp:
These, like frozen blood worms are just brine shrimps that have been frozen into one big piece.
They are an excellent food for your bettas to feed on. But they are also costy as well. One frozen pack that is about an inch thick and around the size of your hand is $5 to $7. These won;t last very long too....and imagine buying serveral of these to feed your bettas...if you have a lot. I recommend that you only feed these once every 4 days or so.

More info on frozen food will be added soon. Also if you know of more frozen food that I don't have here...please email them to me and I will put it up here and give you credit for it.

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